As our social media presence has grown as has our desire from fans to purchase our merchandise, specifically from our children followers. on TikTok. To make this process easier to purchase from us we’ve created this webpage, a handy link that can be given to a parent/guardian for them to get an order in.

As we are still a small business we don’t have much products to offer so as of right now it’s just T-Shirts we are selling for £10 (and Sticker Packs for £2). We don’t have an online shopping cart for you to add it to either which is why you’ll need to fill out the form below to express your interest. Those details get sent over to us and then we will email you back to fulfil the order.

Below is the form. Please ensure you correctly type your email address as this is how we will get back in contact with you to fulfil the order.
Please Fill In The Form
Once you’ve pressed Send the details will be emailed over to us and you’ll be taken to a confirmation page. Thanks.